Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More presentations on pretotyping-based innovation by Patrick, Alberto and Jeremy

People love the pretotyping message.  So far, every time we've given a talk on pretotyping-based innovation, we've been invited to give at least another talk.  We've been busy.  Fortunately there are three of us (Alberto, Patrick and Jeremy) to share the load.

Here are two upcoming presentation:

Copeland Does Copenhagen

Patrick Copeland's keynote at the latest QCon was a big hit, and he'll be repeating it this May at the GOTO conference in Copelandhagen - ahem - Copenhagen.  Below is a photo of Patrick trying to sell his $1B idea.

Savoia and Clark Do Silicon Valley

In the meantime, I (Alberto Savoia) and Jeremy Clark have agreed to be the keynote speakers at the next Global Innovation and Leadership conference (GIL 2011) - the title of our presentation is going to be: "The Pretotyping Manifesto – Rules for lean innovation."

Stay tuned for even more public events.

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